How to Respond to Diet Talk as an Intuitive Eater

We live in a culture that is obsessed with diets. From celery juice cleanses, to the ketogenic diet, to intermittent fasting, it seems there is no shortage of new diets out there. There always seems to be a new trendy diet to try, and if you are an intuitive eater, you are probably all too happy to spare yourself the headache of jumping onto new diet bandwagons every other week. However, it can get tricky when well-meaning friends, family members, or colleagues bring their diets into social conversations. As an intuitive eater, handling diet talk can be very difficult. Hearing about the results of a new diet can make it very tempting to give the diet a try. However, it’s important to remember that just because a friend is experiencing certain results from a certain diet, that doesn't mean the diet is good for you, or is sustainable for long-term health. These kinds of fad diets that promise dramatic results are not usually backed by evidence-based nutrition practice, and usually backfire. One out of every three people who go on a diet and lose weight, will gain the weight back within three to five years. When tempted to try a new diet, it can be helpful to remind yourself of the true reality of diets: they don’t work long term, and they aren’t sustainable!

If you are an intuitive eater, and you have people in your life who are chronic dieters, it may be helpful to explain intuitive eating to them. It can be difficult at first, but explaining how intuitive eating works, and clearing up some common misconceptions can go a long way. Firstly, it’s important to explain that intuitive eating is not a diet; it's a long term lifestyle change that focuses on a balanced and sound approach to food and nutrition. It’s also important to clarify that intuitive eating diets do not have “rules” and “meal plans” ; rather, intuitive eating is a skill developed over time, bringing people back to being in tune with their bodies and their internal hunger and satiety cues. One of the biggest misconceptions that people have about intuitive eating is that it means eating whatever you want. It can be helpful to explain that intuitive eating doesn’t mean eating “junk” food all day. Rather, it’s about eating in a way that optimizes both physical and mental health. Explaining intuitive eating clearly and simply to your friends, family members, or colleagues can make a huge difference in their lives. Intuitive eating is how we are meant to eat, we were never meant to try and conform our lives and appetites to fit rigid diet plans. Explaining intuitive eating clearly and simply can help the people in your life to finally break free from the misery of endless diet cycles. And, of course, if you or someone in your life has more questions or concerns about intuitive eating, reach out to a non-diet Registered Dietitian who can help guide you on your intuitive eating journey.