heart health

10 Simple Ways to Lower Your Triglycerides Through Lifestyle

  1.  Work with a Registered Dietitian to guide you with gradual and sustainable weight loss.

  2. Enjoy the “Whole-y” grain! Choose whole grain bread, pasta, and rice instead of white bread, rice, and pasta. Limit foods and beverages that are high in sugar.

  3. Emphasize unsweetened beverages – water, tea, seltzer, coffee (without cream and sugar), instead of regular soda, sweetened tea, and coffee.

  4. Increase nut intake namely almonds, pecans, walnuts, cashews, pistachios.

  5. Eat throughout the day - don’t go too long without eating.

  6. Drink and eat fat-free (skim) or low-fat dairy products. Consider mixing skim with 1% if you prefer not drinking skim alone.

  7. Engage in moderate-intense physical activity for 30 minutes per day on most days of the week or a total of 150 minutes per week – Lets find a routine that works for YOU!

  8. Increase unsaturated fat intake (olive oil, nuts, avocados, vegetable oils, and fatty fish). Increase nut intake namely almonds, pecans, walnuts, cashews, pistachios.

  9. Eat fatty fish twice per week (fatty fish includes: salmon, sardines, tuna and mackerel to name a few).

  10. Choose mostly plant-based protein or lean meats (chicken without skin, fish, lean beef, pork, veal) instead of bacon, hot dogs, or sausage.

    For a more personalized nutrition and lifestyle plan, book an appointment here.  

3 Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Cholesterol

Are you or your loved one interested in making lifestyle modifications to lower your cholesterol?

Here are three simple tips to help lower your cholesterol through diet:

1) Replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats. Limit saturated fat intake found in meat and full fat dairy. Increase intake of heart healthy unsaturated fats found in nuts, canola and olive oil, and avocado. Recipe suggestion: avocado toast on whole grain bread drizzled with olive oil.

2) Fill up with fiber. Choose whole-grains like oatmeal and fill your plates with fruits and vegetables. You know what they say about beans. Beans, chick peas, and lentils are the magical fruits to fill up on fiber.Fiber helps to keep us full and reduces cholesterol absorption. Recipe suggestion: overnight oats topped with berries, flax, and walnuts.

3) Increase your good (HDL) cholesterol. Eat omega-3 fatty acids which are o.m.g so good for you! Certain fish, walnuts, and flax will provide you with omega-3 fatty acids. Aim to consume fish 2-3 times per week to help lower the LDL (“lousy”) cholesterol. Include salmon, tuna, and mackerel.